

Our store in Erfurt

Directly next to the Domplatz (cathedral place), between old alleys and places, you can find our store, where we provide a broad collection of high quality foot wear. Since 2008 MBAETZ (formerly known as SchuhSign) settled in this central place, to offer sustainable produced shoes and accessories, which are beautiful and individual at the same time. For our staff individuality, good service and consulting quality stand as first, so you can be sure you get advised properly.


Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 12 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm


telephone: +49 .361 60 20 760
Monday to Friday | 12 am - 6 pm
Saturday | 10 am - 4 pm

e-mail: hello@mbaetz.com


learn more about us >

Sustainable, fair trade & ethically made shoes - Online-Shop - mbaetz®

Individuality and personality are defined not just by one´s wardrobe, but also by one´s premium-quality and exceptional shoes. Only when your style is harmonious from head to toe, can your desired look be achieved. It plays less of a role, whether you are a natural guy or gal and prefer Camper shoes, or if you are more of a funky dressed person, on whose feet shoes from Cydwoq are the perfect look.

Outrageous footwear, fashion and accessories for women and men

We at MBAETZ have shoes for both men and women in many different styles, and you have the choice! Whether your style is discrete and businesslike or flashy and stylish, at MBAETZ ladies and gentlemen can choose shoes to fit any outfit. Thanks to the excellent quality, you will have prolonged enjoyment of these beautiful articles, unless of course you enjoy variety and would simply like to browse through the colorful diversity of our store?

Mbaetz loves shoes from small manufacturers - you too?

At mbaetz.com you first and foremost get top-quality shoes that have been manufactured in Europe. Similarly, we place as great a value on quality as on sustainable production. Only in this way we are able to offer you shoe models lacking neither in beauty, convenience nor quality. Here you will find exceptional shoes that few people have. Exclusive materials, special material combinations and excellent workmanship give rise to shoes that will delight you!